Ranked games land today on Valorant
When the servers reopen, Riot Games will activate the classified games on Valorant. Competition mode and matchmaking will therefore be available.
The conquest of the GRAND VALORANT begins today
Although patch 0.49 has fixed a number of issues, others have appeared and that is why Riot Games has already scheduled a hotfix for today, Friday May 1; the game servers have been unavailable since 03:30 a.m. and should remain available until around 9:30 a.m.
Once this emergency patch is in place, those who want to get down to business and take their skills to the next level will be able to do so thanks to the classified games. Riot Games confirmed tonight that competition mode and matchmaking will be activated when the servers reopen. Obviously, depending on how things are going, the Valorant project managers reserve the right to deactivate the classified parts at any time.
Presentation of Ranked games
- VALORANT’s Competition mode uses the same game rules and format as Unclassified mode, but the stakes are obviously much higher. The VALORANT competition system is still in its infancy, but it will evolve over time. Uncategorized mode will still be available, but matchmaking in Competition mode will be regularly deactivated for short periods during the beta, time for Riot Games to refine it and integrate the feedback.Here is a summary with additional details below.
- Complete 20 games in Uncategorized mode to unlock the Competition mode.
- 8 rows, 3 levels each, except for the best row, VALORANT.
- Form groups of 5 players max (2 rows of maximum gap between the players).
- Your rank is no longer displayed if you do not play in Competition mode for 14 days, but it does not decrease behind the scenes.
- Your rank will be reset when the game starts.

You will enter matchmaking in Competition mode after completing 20 games in Uncategorized mode. Think of it as a warm-up before you get serious.
There are eight rows, each divided into three levels: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Immortal and VALORANT. Winning games is most important for climbing the rankings, but if you play extremely well, your rank will progress faster. Losing games and not living up to the expectations of the system (determined by your previous games) will lower you in the ranking.
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Your personal performance will have a greater impact on the first assessments of your level of play, but their importance will gradually decrease while that of victories will increase, the time for Riot Games to analyze your talent. Competition mode also examines how overwhelming your wins or losses are. The reason for this is simple: Riot Games wants to give you a good reason to do your best for the duration of your games.
For those who will rise to the VALORANT rank, the final victory and the way you win / lose games will be the only factors taken into account, as Riot Games believes that if you and your teammates have reached the highest level of play is because you deserved it.